2 min readMay 25, 2021


Time to channel your inner Spock …

We’ve been busy here, behind the scenes of Cabinz; with a change around in the team structure, preparing the next steps on our road map & probably our fav bit —brainstorming the different charities we endeavour to help!

Anyway, let’s get on with it…what’s Spock got to do with it, you may well ask! Those pesky ice-cool Whales and Institutional Investors know the game. They play it beautifully. How our Vulcan friend deals with stress, anxiety, and fear of loss is a good insight into how all those whales and institutional investors keep calm and become billionaires. It’s how we all need to behave.

They rely on that irrational, emotional, cortisol-fuelled choice, and they pounce!! That’s exactly how they win! That’s how they grow. That’s their game plan in a nutshell. So, please always remember, we are doing our best to make the right decisions at the right times for everyone in this community.

Chill. HODL! Prosper.

Embrace your inner your Spock, because we can now tell you that we have extended farming for another 14 days. It’s rough out there right now, so we believe this is a good move, for everyone.

But make no mistake, the rise needs the fall to exist. Without it, nobody wins. So buy the dip. HODL. Stay strong. Use this next couple of weeks to learn and build where you see others floundering. Because the truth is, you only lose when you sell. Period. Play long.

As I said, we are looking out for everyone as best we can. Truly! Because, this is the right call for the wrong time. While you chill, we’ll be testing our new anti-whale contract and we’ll be building out our game plan and launch strategy for our next farm and our next token! We’ll be looking for your guidance too! Very exciting times ahead. Around second week in June! So HODL long and prosper! njoy those farming returns in the meantime. Be good to yourselves and your families 🤟

